How often have you seen an expensive sweater in a specialty shop and said to yourself, "I could knit that for a lot less, but where can I find a pattern?" How often have you seen a pattern you liked in a pattern book, wished you make some changes in the sleeves or neckline, but didn't know how? How often have you been attracted to a beautiful yarn in a yarn shop but not known if it was suitable for the style you had in mind to knit? How often have you dreamed up a sweater, dress, suit, or coat but did not know how to translate your idea into a pattern that would fit perfectly?
Creating and Knitting Your Own Designs for a Perfect Fit tells you how to do all these things and much more.
Condition: Former Library Book, Good condition.
Author: Montse Stanley
Publisher : Harper & Row, Publishers, New York
Language : English
Hardcover : 176 pages
ISBN-10 : 0-06-015054-8